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House Blessing

1 hNorthwest 1st Court

Service Description

The energy of our environment shapes us unconsciously in more ways than we care to admit. Energies from past events, occupants, and emotions linger in spaces until they are cleared. These energies tend to hide in corners, closets, bed rooms and bathrooms. Where we reside and rest should be seen as a sacred temple, a space we come to for safety and to recharge our system. Being surrounded by high vibrational energy assists in raising our own vibration to create and attract experiences aligned to values. Clear your space of dense energies of the past from the time of creation. Energetic space is created by cleansing each room of your home with herbs and sacred water. Through energy healing and channeling, vortexs are created in your home to welcome in guides and guardians to protect and program your space and welcome in the energies you wish to experience. Expect your home and the space surrounding it to repel ill intentions and attract love, health, happiness, and prosperity! Booking is not available through website. Please contact for more information and to schedule your session.

Contact Details

  • 9832 NW 1st Ct, Plantation, FL, USA


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