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Release physical stress, chronic pain, and numbness.

2 hr
Location provided in confirmation email

Service Description

De-armoring focuses in on the tender, painful, and numb areas of your body that are creating conflict and limitation within your life and receptivity to pleasure. De-armoring is a mind, body, and emotional process to ensure that you will find relief in your pain or re-sensitivity from the numbness by working with the root of the challenge - energy from past experiences, believes, emotions, traumas that are being stored in the body and now changing form into physical matter causing the pain and numbness you feel today. I use techniques such as body mapping, deep tissue massage, and breathwork to release the stagnant energy trapped in the troubled areas of your body. Thoughts, memories, and emotions may surface for you as that is what is being held in the body, you will be provided tools to support your release during our session together.

Contact Details


9832 NW 1st Ct, Plantation, FL, USA

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