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Get to know your Guide...

Welcome,  I am Gina Marie. 

I look forward to connecting with you and being in service to you. It is an absolute passion of mine to learn, grow, and share my knowledge and support with others. 

I work as a holistic sex and relationship coach, tantric teacher, and somatic guide with the intention to start an inner revolution that ripples outward and positively effects everything and everyone we interact with. 

I advocate for the returning to our bodies, harnessing our sexual energy, and the wisdom of the Earth for overcoming our life's challenges, including health, wealth, and relationships.


I believe that everything we need to heal and consciously create our life is already within us.

Through working with me you will remember this truth and power within you and learn how to embody the master healer and creator that you are for your evolution and success. 


I work with both men, women, and couples. 

I ensure each individual I work with receives custom tailored, wholesome support, and every aspect of their being is acknowledged and provided for - mind, body, emotions, sexuality, and spirituality.

 From the age of thirteen, I spent a lot of time exploring and researching the internet and this is how my journey began...

I came across meditation and was fascinated with the fact that altered states of consciousness were able to be accessed through our breath alone.


I explored this practice with curiosity and the desire to experience the "supernatural." 

My meditation practice took me to the realization of some debilitating health issues I was unaware of, the desire to fix them, and of course, to reach my initial objective, although come to find that the "supernatural" are the natural phenomenons that subtly take place within us and all around us, it only requires us to be present, aware, and intentional to be receptive to it. 

Meditation is the foundation and catalyst to my spiritual journey, offerings, and career standpoint. 

Shortly after my commitment to a daily meditation practice, and spiritual exploration, ny the age of fifteen I was diagnosed with leaky gut which came along with chronic infections, pelvic pain, fevers, and  hormonal imbalance. 

In attempts to find recovery from these challenges, I ended up finding myself living at doctor offices.

I went from doctor to doctor with no relief, only a prescription and daunting side effects.

It became clear to me that taking this route wouldn't get me where I wanted to be. It was time to take matters into my own hands and heal these troubles naturally. 

I still remember that moment when I declared that I would heal myself spiritually... and that I did!


Through helpful facilitators, mentors, coaches, courses, and communities I've developed a variety of tools and practice to solve the health challenges I had faced and became the empowered and sovereign healer I am today.

These tools and practices began with meditation and lead me to healing crystals, reiki, yoga, herbal medicine, plant medicines, tantric arts, psychosomatics, body work, trauma integration, and soooo much more.


Today I continue to learn and explore new ways to empower myself and others. 

What I've learned through my experience is that, when walking a holistic path of healing, it means integrating the troubles within and expanding our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies - as this where the root challenge resides. 


I don't believe in band-aid "solutions" that only scratch the surface of our challenges and mask them up to be "better" while also causing other harmful side effects..  


I believe we are all sovereign healers, meaning that we each have the ability to heal ourselves and create the life we desire without  unnecessary invasive procedures, harmful medications, and acting out of alignment to our values. 


We only need to be reminded of our power and lead down the path of alternative integration with the proper support and guidance in reclaiming your truth and power. 


 I want to share this path with anyone who feels hopeless, alone in overcoming their challenges, and strongly desires an alternative way toward healing and achieving a pleasurable and fulfilling lifestyle.

With deep connection and reverence to spirit, I’ve gathered all my tools and knowledge to assist people all over the world through ZOOM, with online group and personalized programs, as well as in person workshops, and sessions.


I've had the privilege to create communities and deliver these practices in both NY and South Florida and watch individuals reclaim their power, pleasure, and purpose!

I hope to be invited as your guide along your journey and assist in your evolution as well!


Feel free to take a look at my service listings for more details. 

Why you would want me as your guide...

I have committed to my personal development and healing at the age of fifteen. I have been practicing meditation, herbal, and energy medicine for over a decade. 


I continue to learn and expand on more wisdom and practices to support myself and pass these onto you. 


The amount of attention, dedication, and love I put into my clients challenges are as if it was my own to solve, integrate, and achieve these desires. 

I hold my clients accountable, lovingly point out blind spots, and encourage to honor and express all emotions and versions of you in a safe, non-biased, judgment free space. 

I empower you to embody the master healer and conscious creator that you are, and create a life that mirrors your passions, pleasures, and desires. 

I ensure you with a box of versatile tools to support and carry you forward along your life path to overcome challenges that may come up for you as you out grow the challenges you once knew. 

I am a paradigm breaker. I love to dismantle belief systems and behaviors that don't support our inherit truth. I also am straight forward in my approach and provide the initiations required for you to embrace your highest timeline.


I am holding your hand every step of the way, its almost as if we’re dating ;)

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Education & 


Values & Beliefs 

It is extremely important to me that individuals are provided with multiple options beyond what is conventional so that they may have a choice in how they want to live, create, and over come the challenges within their lives. I place a big emphasis on the wisdom and ability of our body, sexual life force energy, and the recourses of our Earth to guide and lead the way back to the remembrance of our truth, the power we have to naturally life, heal, and thrive - The power to consciously create our lives. We only get to be reminded through the support of ancient practices we have long lost due to “modern” ways. 

I believe that knowledge and awareness is power and what you seek you shall find. 

It is important to take responsibility for the results and life circumstances you are experiencing today,  this will allow you to you to reclaim your power and ability to move forward in ways that change your life to become more magical than imagined. 

I also call people forward through their desires, Where ever there is a will, there is a way… strong desires paired with the right tools and support will empower you to make the changes you wish to see within yourself, the world around you, and achieve your passions and desires. 

What you ask for, you eventually receive…

I also believe that life always gives us what we need, not what we want. It is up to us to create that which we desire, and trust that life will always provide for us what we need to make that happen. 

If you have ended up here you may have been searching for another way to put your struggles to rest and begin living and enjoying life, love, and relationships again, or even a way to connect with the higher power that dwells within you.

 Well, the search is over… welcome home ! 

Pandora Healing 


Crystal Vision Loving Touch Center 2018

Reiki III & Energy healing modalities.


Life Skills University | 2019 

Mindfulness Certification  

Personal life coaching Certification


dōTERRA medicinal oil specialist | 2020


The Empowered woman | 2019

Tantric arts

The mystic school of aligned living | 2020

Feminine tantric arts & Womb wellness

Activate the light worker | 2021

Personal development


Steamy Chick Institute | 2021 

Level 1 Peristeam facilitator

Holistic feminine reproductive wellness

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